Organic Composting For Cannabis: Worm Juice

Worm Juice is a byproduct of organic composting with worms. Worm Juice is loaded with nutrients and minerals used to create the perfect living soil for your cannabis plants.

Cannabis plants grow better in organic soil, and we need the right nutrient and minerals to keep your soil alive.

Organic composting has become a healthy alternative to providing your cannabis plants with all the right nutrients and minerals.

The most popular of which is worm composting, as the worms assist in breaking down organic matter into natural nutrients and minerals. They also produce “Worm juice”, a liquid found at the bottom of the compost bin, that you contain the perfect concentrated amounts of minerals and nutrients used to grow cannabis plants.

Whether you call it worm juice, worm tea or worm pea, this liquid becomes the perfect natural organic fertiliser to keep your organic soil alive and your cannabis plants growing to their fullest potential.

The benefits of worm juice for cannabis plants include:

There’s a reason gardeners call worm juice “liquid gold”, as it acts its the healthiest way to grow the best quality cannabis plants.

Fixing Nutrient Deficiencies

James King

James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.

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