Cannabis Growing and Cultivation Jobs

Cannabis Growing and Cultivation are in high demand for Medicinal Marijuana Farms in Australia. Learn about the job requirements to join the Cannabis industry.

The Grow Master or Cultivation Manager is the Master Chef of Cannabis Cultivation. Grow Masters are the leaders in cultivating various strains of Marijuana plants in Australia’s unique climate. They are the pillars of every Cannabis farm with the experience and information to deliver the highest Cannabis quality and yield.

Medicinal Cannabis Master Grower

Growing & Cultivation Jobs Summary

Cannabis Growing and Cultivation experts are responsible for large-scale commercial cultivation facilities in Australia.

Growers will have the experience and ability to perform tasks at each step of the Cannabis growing process. They can grow high-quality Medical grade Cannabis plants that meet the legal government standards.

Growing and Cultivation jobs include:

Cultivation Manager Key Responsibilities

Cultivation managers are able to direct and control the large-scale Cannabis growing operation in Australia. Having detailed knowledge of strains and horticulture.

Here we break down the responsibilities that a Grow Master has on a day-to-day basis in Australia. These duties are based on ten different roles at commercial scale Medicinal Cannabis facilities in the US, Australia and Canada.

Cultivation Manager Qualifications

Grow Masters are expected to have a degree in horticulture, agriculture, plant science or something similar. A minimum of 5-10 years experiences growing at a commercial facility. Knowledgeable of commercial-scale hydroponic systems.

Cultivation Manager Salary and Benefits

Grow Masters are expected to receive a minimum of $100k-$150k in Australia and receive bonuses based on crop yields and profits earned. The salary of a Grow Master in the Cannabis industry all depends on the size of the company. Cannabis startup companies may give equity but a smaller wage. Cannabis commercial-grade facilities may give higher bonuses for high profits earned from the yield. Cannabis government facilities may provide a better work-life balance and a higher salary.

Learn About Cannabis Jobs
Learn About Cannabis

James King

James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.

Disclaimer: Cannabis Place are not doctors and we recommend consulting health professionals for accurate information. This site may contain information regarding drugs. This medicinal cannabis content is designed for an 18+ audience. Click here for our full disclaimer