Medical Cannabis For Cats

Medical Cannabis For Cats

Cannabis for cats is heavily discussed in Australia. Learn about what cannabis is appropriate for animals and if it is legal here.

With everyone talking about medical cannabis for people, veterinarians are also researching into the benefits for cats.

Cannabis extracts like cannabidiol (CBD) may have therapeutic and medical benefits for cats. The current medical cannabis laws in Australia gives access to pets and people under the scheduled drug classes. Hemp oils for cats are not the same as medicinal cannabis CBD oil prescribed by a veterinarian.

The common medical conditions that cannabis treats are:

  • epilepsy
  • arthritis
  • chronic pain
  • chronic fatigue
  • IBS
  • multiple sclerosis

To receive medical treatment, your pet must have a condition that has existed for more than 3 months and the vet has decided that cannabis as an alternative treatment is appropriate.

Unlike dogs, cats usually take CBD for therapeutical effects and not THC.

Studies have found that medicinal cannabis is effective in improving the overall health of cats, as much as it does people.

Australia’s laws changed in 2016 to allow cannabis, otherwise known as marijuana, be prescribed to patients and supplied by pharmacists.

There are further upcoming legal changes that will make medicinal cannabis and CBD oil easily accessible for pets, such as removing marijuana from the Misuse of Drug Acts Register.

Cats can access medicinal marijuana if your veterinarian prescribes cannabis. The medical cannabis products then have to be supplied by a pharmacist.

Currently, you can find various hemp products including, oils, foods and drinks that are available for both people and animals.

These products are not the same as medical marijuana, and are not guaranteed to have the same therapeutic effects that may help your pet.

Full-spectrum oil that includes CBD has all the best cannabis extracts that can treat medical conditions.

Your vet may decide what type of cannabis oil or product is best for your cat, then choosing the safest brand from the pharmacist is the next step.

The most commonly prescribed medical cannabis brand for cats is from Althea Life, but this changes each month with new products becoming available.

Medical cannabis and its treatment should always be discussed with a health professional to ensure your pet gets the best treatment available.

Disclaimer: Cannabis Place are not doctors and we recommend consulting health professionals for accurate information. This site may contain information regarding drugs. This medicinal cannabis content is designed for an 18+ audience. Click here for our full disclaimer